No longer e-mail back and forth, no more telephone follow-ups, and certainly no more running laps on office floors: it is digital invoice processing that transforms your incoming invoice process into a very secure, effective and sustainable process that benefits all departments in the company involved in purchasing. Through invoice workflows that understand themselves with the colorful bouquet of digital invoice formats, all the way to GoBD-compliant archiving. All of this is provided by a modern incoming invoice solution.

In this whitepaper, we provide you with a compact overview of this important process step.


focal points of the whitepaper

  • Small cause, far-reaching consequences: Pain points of half-heartedly designed incoming invoice processing.
  • How and why things simply work better digitally
  • An overview of the different invoice formats
  • What workflows in electronic incoming invoice processing can achieve
  • Always compliant and legally compliant: How to meet all requirements stress-free up to the archiving stage

Especially in times when purchasing is facing critical times. Keyword: “High inflation rate/melting budgets” and a generally uncertain economic environment. In order to remain capable of acting and fulfilling its tasks in this environment, purchasing must make routine tasks more efficient. What is needed is a higher degree of automation and end-to-end digitization of the entire purchase-to-pay processes. One necessary step in this direction is the intelligent digitization of incoming invoice processing.

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