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Service Description easy Managed Application

1. Scope of services

easy shall provide the operations team to the Customer with the expert knowledge of a software manufacturer and its longtime experience. As part of the services rendered, easy shall assume tasks for stable operations of the easy software.

easy shall render the contractual services, taking ITIL into account.

easy shall render the following services in particular:

  1. easy Service Delivery Lead – Technical contact person
  2. Incident Management – As part of Incident Management, incidents and suspected incidents will be processed and resolved.
  3. Problem Management – As part of Problem Management, recurring incidents are analyzed, and solutions are developed.
  4. Capacity Management – In association with the Customer, the system resources used are evaluated and, based on trends, recommendations for possible resource extensions through easy Managed Service operations are developed.
  5. Patch Management – easy Managed Service operations check available patches regarding the use in easy software products used by the Customer and shall implement these in coordination with the Customer. This service element will be rendered proactively, where possible.
  6. Change Management – Where existent, changes will be initially made to the test system. This also applies to Patch Management. Making a change is always through coordination between Customer and easy.
  7. Service Meeting – An annual Service Review meeting serves to represent the service rendered in the past and to plan pending topics for the coming year.
  8. System Documentation – Customizations and changes made are entered in system documentation by easy Managed Service operations.
  9. Customer User Service – User and functional application support

2. Customer’s Points of Contact

As part of the on-boarding process, the customer names authorized people in his organization who will be entitled to order fee-based additional options from easy, as well as to order fee-based and / or security related services. Such orders or commissions must be submitted as text, e.g. via letter, fax, or e-mail.

Errors or glitches can be reported by all key users (a maximum of five people) at the customer’s site.

3. easy Service Desk

The easy Service Desk (aka easy Customer Care Center) is the centralized facility for customers (Single Point of Contact). Access routes to the Service Desk are described here: https://easy-software.com/de/support/.
easy Service Desk staff will accept service requests and incident reports (Incident Management). The service requests and incident reports will be documented, categorized and prioritized as tickets.

4. easy Service Desk service hours

easy Service Desk can be reached Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., except on (German public holidays and those specific to the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia), as well as Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve when Service Desk cannot be reached.

5. Priorities for Troubleshooting

When an incident is reported, a so-called ticket will be created. Response times are dependent on the respective ticket priority. Priority assumes values between 1 (highest priority) and 4 (lowest priority). This value results from the two factors of impact and urgency.

Impact comes in these versions: “High”, “Medium”, and “Low”. It describes how important easy service is to the customer’s business processes, and which impairments result from the existing incident.

Urgency is based on the degree to which the system is still usable:

  • Total outage of the entire system (total outage),
  • Work is still possible, but only with tremendous constraints (High)
  • Work is possible with some constraints (Medium)
  • Work is possible with barely noticeable constraints (Low)
  • The customer will query the values for urgency and impact when creating the ticket; they will be specified with the customer.
  • The priority of the incident ticket results from impact and urgency as follows:
HighPrio 1Prio 1Prio 2Prio 3
MediumPrio 1Prio 2Prio 3Prio 4
LowPrio 2Prio 3Prio 4Prio 4

6. Response Time with Incidents

The time that lapses between opening a ticket and commencement of qualifying processing is defined as the response time. Calculation of that time is performed only within the service hours of the Service Desk. If an incident report arrives outside of these service hours, the guaranteed response time will commence with the following working day.

The following maximum response times are guaranteed (WD = working days; hrs. = hours of work):

Prio 12 hours
Prio 24 hours
Prio 31 working day
Prio 43 working days

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