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Digital incoming goods check SAP

For seamless depiction of the P2P process in SAP

The processing and checking of incoming goods are among the most important parts of the procurement process: Many companies still rely here on paper-based delivery notes and must contend with the typical knowledge gaps. Simple questions about the order status cannot be answered promptly based on paper delivery notes, and distributed organisations with multiple locations will have a particularly difficult time with this. After all: Downstream processes that may be extremely critical to the company, such as invoice processing or even production, may grind to a halt as a result.

benefits of digital incoming goods checks in SAP

Lean back and take it easy thanks to easy Delivery Note for SAP® Solutions. Our solution will give your company and your employees a high-level perspective to keep a close watch over every delivery note thanks to a digital incoming goods check and digital incoming goods processing.

  • Transparency: Monitoring of the deliveries – what was delivered, where, in which quantity, and at what price
  • Compliance: Adherence to compliance rules and permission concepts
  • Faster processing times: Maximum automation of the digital incoming goods processing with integrated process control
  • Reliable purchasing processes: The tracking of all deliveries and delivery notes in the digital incoming goods check ensures full transparency and a solid overview at all times
  • Environmentally friendly: Elimination of paper, file folders and filing rooms
  • Cost savings thanks to streamlined processes: Deadlines for early payment discounts as well as payment reminder periods are reliably tracked. Incoming goods checks in SAP® based on the digital delivery note offer tremendous efficiency gains in subsequent processes, such as the processing of incoming invoices.
Im Wareneingang spielt die elektronische Bedarfsanforderung weiteres Optimierungspotential aus: Lieferschein und Rechnungen bekommen einen Kontext.

The Purchase-to-Pay Process in SAP

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potential of an electronic incoming goods check

easy Delivery Note for SAP® Solutions forms one of the central elements of the purchase-to-pay process in SAP. Note only does the digital incoming goods check of delivery notes offer an interface for integrating upstream and downstream processes, it also serves as an anchoring point: It answers any questions about the quantity and quality of the delivered goods. The volume of deliveries alone can make it difficult for purchasing departments to reliably keep track of all paper-based delivery notes. How does easy Delivery Note assist with the digital incoming goods check?

  • Minimising manual activities: Reduce manual actions to a minimum during the incoming goods check. The smart document reader in easy Delivery Note achieves impressively high accuracy. All the data on the delivery note is scanned in and sent to the central system in a structured format. This results in increased transparency.
  • Practical search function: The practical search function in easy Delivery Note for SAP Solutions allows you to find your delivery notes in no time. You can easily filter and sort by due date, supplier, delivery date, and more.
  • Shorter processing times: The digital incoming goods check naturally reduces the amount of time required for processing incoming goods, thanks to the integrated control of downstream process steps. Orders split into partial deliveries as well as returns can be registered in the Delivery Note application, which can also be used on mobile devices, of course.
  • No duplicate entries: Avoid the widespread problem of duplicate entry of delivery notes. easy Delivery Note automatically checks for duplicate documents. This prevents the occurrence of double payments and the resulting difficulties.
  • Maximum process transparency: Increase the transparency of the incoming goods process as well as the upstream and downstream processes. easy Delivery Note for SAP provides informative dashboards for daily monitoring. You always have a good overview and can see key figures, data, and facts at a glance.

Three steps for digital incoming goods checks

As of this point, the entire incoming goods processing takes place digitally, and the data on the received goods is reliably transmitted to your ERP software. Simple and dependable scanning of delivery notes by the smart document reader included with easy Delivery Note is the order of the day. That is how the digital incoming goods check works – and you can eliminate error-prone manual data entry with easy Delivery Note. If a reference to the order exists, the data pertaining to the items on the now digital delivery note is checked automatically. Deviations from the original order are clearly indicated.

Speed and precision are also called for in the warehouse. Questions such as the following must be answered immediately when goods arrive: “Were the goods sent to the right delivery location?”, “Were the expected lot sizes delivered?”, and “Do the quantity and quality of delivered goods match the order?” This is where the digital incoming goods check with easy Delivery Note supplies all the necessary answers: Deviations between the order and the delivery are immediately detected by easy Delivery Note for SAP Solutions based on the digital delivery note. If necessary, you can contact the supplier directly from the Delivery Note software. Any detected differences are automatically sent to the supplier.

The automatic association of delivery notes with order processes is only the most basic element of the digital incoming goods check. Things get even more interesting when subsequent processes are also integrated, such as the processing and booking of received invoices. This is where easy Delivery Note for SAP® Solutions really shines: The functionality can be easily expanded to include the seamless processing of order confirmations and incoming invoices as well as contract management.


Questions about digital goods receipt control in SAP

Delivery notes document the receipt of goods and therefore (in the ideal case) the proper fulfilment of the contract by the supplier. At the same time, the delivery note also documents any deviations with regard to the delivery quantity, scope, and quality (e.g. damage) – a very important aspect of the incoming goods check. Delivery notes are therefore important elements of the overall process, which is why they are subject to statutory retention requirements.

To comply with these statutory requirements, easy archive is available as archiving software.

  • The information contained on delivery notes is not subject to any statutory requirements.
  • The delivery note establishes the connection between the goods, the shipment, and the invoice.
    The delivery note allows the customer to determine which order the delivery is associated with. Especially in companies with high delivery volumes, the delivery note helps with maintaining a good overview during the incoming goods check. Such a delivery note may also simultaneously serve as a packing list. Employees in the Shipping department and in the warehouse check the information on the delivery note by checking off everything that is contained in the package.
  • There is no statutory obligation to enclose a delivery note with the delivery. As a result, there are also no mandatory information items on the delivery note.
  • Recommendation: The information on the delivery note should be based on the functions it serves. This information helps the customer associate the order with the respective invoice. Useful information on the delivery note:
    • Sender and recipient of the delivery
    • Shipping and delivery date
    • A delivery note number and/or the associated invoice number
    • A list of the delivered goods with a typical designation and important details. For a delivery of tiles, for example, this could include: the quantity, the name of the manufacture, the color, and the format.  This information makes it possible to check whether the delivery matches the order.
    • Information on the type of shipping and the transport company
    • Information on ownership of the goods

easy Delivery Note quickly and efficiently assigns goods receipts to existing procurement transactions. Goods receipts are immediately matched with agreed information (delivery quantity, delivery conditions, etc.). As a result, those responsible for incoming goods control always have an overview of completed and open deliveries. easy Delivery Note quickly and efficiently assigns goods receipts to existing procurement transactions. Goods receipts are immediately matched with agreed information (delivery quantity, delivery conditions, etc.). This eliminates time-consuming checking and manual searching and allocation. easy Delivery Note for SAP Solutions handles order splits in goods receipt.

easy Delivery Note for SAP Solutions fits seamlessly into the purchase-to-pay process. This enables a continuous process and document flow from requisitioning to request for quotation, order, order confirmation, delivery, and invoice receipt. At the same time, easy Delivery Note for SAP Solutions harmonizes perfectly with the other SAP-integrated solutions easy Order Confirmation for SAP Solutions, easy invoice for SAP Solutions, and easy contract for SAP Solutions.

Header data on the delivery note:

  • Supplier
  • Recipient of the delivery
  • Shipping date and delivery date
  • Delivery note number
  • Reference to the order

Item data on the delivery note:

  • Item number
  • Article number
  • Article designation
  • Unit of quantity
  • Quantity

It is also easy to define additional fields.

  • SAP Fiori Launchpad (on-premises or SAP Cloud Platform) with SAP Fiori Libraries
  • SAP NetWeaver > 7.40 (patch level no older than one year)
  • SAP Fiori Version > 1.71

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