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Whitepaper: Win-win with employee self-services

HR managers are spending more and more time managing and maintaining employee data and documents – time which is not available for core tasks such as recruitment. Self-service portals have clear advantages: Simplified processes, a time saving and increased satisfaction, along with easy implementation and the clear management of the data protection and access rights.

Whitepaper Contract Lifecycle Management

Whitepaper: Digital Collaboration in Contract Management

Inefficient contract processes are real margin killers. Integrated contract management solutions focus on the user experience and the collaboration of all process participants – for smooth processes without media discontinuity.

Whitepaper Purchase-to-Pay in three steps

Whitepaper: Purchase-to-Pay in three steps

In the whitepaper, we show you how to combine this multi-layered conglomerate of upstream and downstream sub-processes into a meaningful whole using EASY P2P ECM – for a smooth, transparent and accelerated purchase-to-pay process.


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