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Mayor of the City of Essen Thomas Kufen visits EASY SOFTWARE

On May 4, 2022, EASY SOFTWARE welcomed the Mayor of the City of Essen, Thomas Kufen, as well as Andre Boschem from the Essen Economic Development Corporation (Essener Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft), Simone Kasik and Heiko Hansler from Funke Mediengruppe, and Christian Hansmann from Ruhr Real to the new EASY location in Essen.

During a tour of the new EASY offices in the modern Funke Medienhaus, CEO Andreas Zipser presented how EASY implements a lived New Work culture for agile and hybrid teamwork of employees with an open architecture, functional think tanks, a shared desk concept, and innovative technologies. The guests were interested in the newly created work environments, which are intended, among other things, to retain employees and inspire potential applicants for digitalization and the software industry. Strengthening corporate social responsibility as well as good economic networking of the company to promote Essen as a business location are also among the goals at the new location. Mayor Kufen also talked to individual EASY employees during the tour.

Following the tour with EASY CEO Andreas Zipser, the group discussed topics that equally concern the local digital industry as well as the sector as a whole. Against the backdrop of the endowed professorship for Applied Artificial Intelligence at the Ruhr-West University of Applied Sciences initiated by EASY, possible points of contact with the education and higher education sector of the city of Essen were discussed, among other things. The competition for promising young talent, which is becoming particularly fierce in the digital industry, was evident to all guests as an acute challenge. With institutions such as the BRYCK Innovation Center in the neighborhood of the EASY Offices, the city of Essen is becoming an attractive location for innovative companies. The meeting provided an exciting prelude to future cooperation between EASY and the guests present at the business location Essen.

Photo: Andreas Endermann

EASY CEO Andreas Zipser emphasized the importance of networking at the new EASY headquarters in Essen, and was pleased about the exchange: “For us as a medium-sized software company, it is important to network closely with the local economy, associations, and the political community. I am glad that we have a great infrastructure and an innovation-friendly environment in Essen. The new City Dock business park for medium-sized companies and start-ups or the freshly established BRYCK innovation and start-up center are just two examples of Essen’s potential as a growing location.”

Mayor Thomas Kufen, together with the Essen Economic Development Corporation, is also pleased about the new addition to the up-and-coming Grüne Mitte district: “Essen is considered a top business location in Germany thanks to numerous corporations, strong high-tech industries, and an excellent infrastructure. As a specialist for digitalization and automation of business processes, the internationally operating EASY SOFTWARE AG fits wonderfully with the other growing and future-oriented industries in Essen.”

“I am very pleased that we have won EASY SOFTWARE AG for Essen as a business location, and that we have been able to keep the company in the region. The fact that EASY SOFTWARE AG has chosen Essen as its new location is further proof of the attractiveness of our location – especially for technology-oriented companies,” says Andre Boschem.


As digitalization expert and leading ECM software manufacturer, easy has since 1990 stood for legally compliant, digital archiving and efficient, automated business processes. Over 5,400 customers in more than 60 countries and all industries rely on our company and our strong partner network. Our first-class archiving, ECM, DMS, P2P and HCM software solutions & services form the digital center for data-based intelligence and make people, companies and organizations successful.

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