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  • Accounts Payable Automation Workflow

    10 requirements for software for digital business processes

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  • Digital long-term archiving – what about the future of your data?

    Archiving documents over long retention periods places special demands on processes, technologies and file formats. In an overview, we clarify what to look out for in digital long-term archiving. Take a look behind the scenes of digital imperishability today, because: A well-informed life is more relaxed.

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  • Enterprise search – Overcome data silos and knowledge barriers

    Ever-growing volumes of data in companies kept in separate data silos are turning into a problem at all levels of an enterprise. Executives and employees alike – everyone is up to their ears in the sea of data and cannot find the pearls of information they are looking for.

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  • The Most Important Requirements for Verifying Invoices Correctly – Including a Checklist 

    Paying invoices is one of the routine tasks of every accounts payable department. It’s essential that every incoming invoice is verified for accuracy before the payment order is sent. The optimization potential for your company is correspondingly great in this area! If you approach the incoming invoice workflow in a systematic or perhaps even automated…

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  • A brief introduction to electronic invoices: What you need to know today 

    In the past few years, a lot has changed in invoicing as well as in invoice receipt. More and more companies are turning to electronic invoices instead of sending traditional paper invoices. But what exactly is an e-invoice and how does it differ from a classic digital invoice?

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  • Retention periods for electronic invoices – how long to archive? 

    If you rely on digital business processes, archiving electronic invoices may be more than just a good idea: it’s often required by law.

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  • Audit-proof archiving in the cloud

    Do you want to quickly introduce and use an option for electronic archiving of all types of documents in your company? No problem. With a future-oriented SaaS archive, you can quickly create an archiving solution that meets your requirements and provides security: legally compliant and GDPR-compliant, as well as easy to use for your employees.

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