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  • Accounts Payable Automation Workflow

    10 requirements for software for digital business processes

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  • Replacing legacy systems

    Often introduced decades ago, so-called “legacy systems” often become an impediment for the company over time. Once considered “state-of-the-art” for the task to be accomplished, today that is no longer the case. A lot has changed with regard to the technology used since the old system was implemented.

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  • How customer portals help with digital customer retention

    A comparatively old idea – the customer portal, refreshed with new technologies – can provide rapid help in customer retention. Create advantages through customer portals, and provide your customers with the much-cited “digital experience”. It doesn’t just suit your company, but will also enthuse your customers, and thereby strengthen customer attachment and loyalty.

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  • Processing Incoming Invoices in SAP: Three Challenges, One Digital Solution

    Processing incoming invoices is certainly not one of the most exciting tasks in the world. However, it is a crucial process in every company. After all, service providers and suppliers want to be paid on time so that they can continue to provide materials and services.

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  • Countless Backends, Unified Frontend? 6 Challenges That Companies Are Facing Right Now

    Wouldn’t it be ideal if you could offer your customers, partners and employees a single point of entry for all your services? So far, however, very few companies have successfully implemented a suitable solution.

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  • PEPPOL – What is it, who benefits, can you use it?

    The abbreviation PEPPOL stands for “Pan-European Public Procurement OnLine”. An electronic and Europe-wide network on the subject of public tenders for the exchange of digital documents, especially electronic invoices. So far, so good – but who is PEPPOL aimed at? What is it? Can it already be used and who benefits from it?

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  • Microservices – architecture for service-driven business models?

    It’s a word that has been on everyone’s lips for quite some time: Microservices. Above all else, microservices are something that the world of business should benefit from.

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